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Mystery Boxes

Get your Mystery Box today and discover what value and surprises await you!

Don't Forget Our Bits Bags!

Subscription boxes w/ Warhammer Option

Spikey Bits exclusive Mystery Boxes filled with the best of wargaming hobby.


    If you want Spikey Bits to curate your box choose a Personal Box to receive a monthly "mystery" crate base on your preferences with a Warhammer subscription option!


    Choose from monthly, semi-monthly, or quarterly subscriptions, or opt for quarterly payments with monthly installments. You can pause your subscription at any time.


    Clear your schedule and get ready to hobby. Don't forget to tag us in your gaming adventures @spikeybits

Mystery box contents will be drawn from companies like Games WorkshopAsmodeeInfinityPrivateer PressWarlord GamesMantic, 3D printed Sci-Fi / Fantasy miniatures, and other great boutique models as outlined below:

  • 3D printed Sci-Fi and Fantasy/RPG miniatures (suitable for games like Warhammer 40k, Age of Sigmar, etc.) are from the artists we partner with, like GhamakHeresyLab, PuppetsWar, Pop Goes The Monkey, Dark Age Designs, and Arma Mechantus to name just a few.
  • Blisters of conversion bits and/or resin model kits are sourced from companies like KromlechPuppets WarLiber Daemonica, Hardcore Miniatures, etc. Plus, each box may also contain resin bases, terrain, paints, brushes, etc., when it fits the theme of the month.

While Mystery Boxes are curated by Rob with an awesome assortment of hobby items (see answer above), Personal Mystery Boxes go a step further. As the customer you can select the systems you most want to see in your boxes which makes each Personal Mystery Box specially curated to the customers preferences.

Boxes ship as soon as you purchase and are then subsequently shipped out based on your delivery preference of Monthly, Every Other Month or Quarterly.

* If you select the Quarterly payment plan option then your first box will not ship until the third month.

You can select to have your boxes delivered monthly, every other month or quarterly. We also offer a quarterly pay in installments option where your payment is broken into 3 smaller payments and your box ships out every three months (quarterly).

When you select the Quarterly Payment Plan option your payments are split into 3 smaller payments that are paid out monthly.

Your first box will ship on the third month after the last payment is made.

It's a bummer to see you go! You can manage your account from the account portal where you have the ability to Cancel, Skip or Pause a membership. If you ever have any questions you can always reach out to us at

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